Friday, August 27, 2004

Jan's going to the chapel and she's, gonna get married.

Tomorrow is Jannie's big day and I'm so pumped for her. I just put the finishing touches on my toast (which I hope will be parents seemed to like it) and I tried on my dress and shoes. Jan picked such a great colour for the dress (periwinkle blue) and it's such a nice pattern too.

The rehersal is at 4:30 at the church but I think I might come a bit early to help them decorate. Then tomorrow, off to the hairdressers and various other things before the ceremony. I can't believe that all this time has passed. It feels like just yesterday when we were 15, cruising on 8th, and having crazy sleepovers. (sniff...sniff) Where has all the time gone? I'm feeling very nostalgic right now.

Friday, August 20, 2004


Summer session at University is finally finished and is that ever refreshing. I had my final yesterday and I'm so happy to be finished. (Until Sept. 8th anyway)

It's been tough not to feed my music addiction in the past few months. Usually in the summer I have lots of time to listen to and write music but it was different this year. Not necessarily bad, but different. I need to go to a show somewhere. That always seems to inspire me and get me excited. Sarah Slean....please come back soon!

Another funny thing about this summer has been that it seems I'm turning into a hick. Like Alan Jackson says, 'it's alright to be a redneck' but I'm not sure it's totally ok for me. I'm rolling with it anyway. I'm in dire need of some radiohead....I'm sure that would cure me. (Inject it into my veins!)

The husband and Drew are away fishing with my Dad for the next few days. I'm sure they're going to have a blast. I'm using my parents place as home base except to sleep, water the yard, and go home and feed the devil fish. (He hates me.) Jer's absense did allow for me to have Jan over last night for our last sleep over ever. It was so much fun and we talked about everything. I love it when you can just pick up where you left off with someone. So excited for her wedding....but a bit nervous about my toast... I'm going to ball my head off and drown everyone.

So yeah... it's cool to be done and have time to catch up with people. I'm enjoying myself. Now I have a weekend of housecleaning, laundry and finishing thank you notes to look forward to....yay. (note the sarcasm)

Rie out

Monday, August 16, 2004

My girl is home, and soon to be hitched!

Jan is back, and her wedding is coming up so soon. I've been looking forward to this all summer.

I'm so excited for Jan and Paul. They make such a wonderful couple and this wedding is going be so great. It's my first time ever being in a wedding party, and especially as matron of honour. (Although, I'll be in Sara's wedding next July) I hope that I can do my best for Jannie because she definetly deserves it. She's stuck by me for a lot of years. Love that girl! I'm so glad she's home for a bit. get her and Paul to relocate to Saskatoon. (along with a long list of other know who you are girls)

Friday, August 13, 2004

The Parents Bought a Civic

My parents bought a new car yesterday. It's a Honda Civic and it's very nice. I drove it today for the first time and it was pretty sweet. (Maybe Jer and I should move into my parents so we can drive it....ok...maybe not) My brother and I have managed to convert my Dad to Honda's. He and my mom were debating between the Honda Civic or the Toyota Corolla, but the Civic won out because it was cheaper. They couldn't see the point in my mom driving a big van that sucks up so much gas when most of the time it was just her in it. They figured out that with gas and insurance for the van every month, it was cheaper to just sell the van and buy a car. That van was/is a money pit.

This is exciting in my family because we've never driven a car that's new. The following are the cars that my parents have driven:
1. 1978 Cutlass Supreme (light blue)
2. 1978 Volvo Station Wagon (puke yellow...named Jive)
3. 1982 Plymouth Reliant (blue...named Ringo)
4. 1985 Ford Tempo which was my car most of my high school years (Red...named Roxy)

We've driven vans because they've been my Dad's company vehicles, but my brother and I are pretty excited to see a new car. (I know we're being very materialistic, but it's cool...) The gears change so beautifully...I've only learned on standards that you have to force into gear but this one just glides....beautiful. Still trying to help them think of a name for it, but they think it's silly to name cars. I'm convinced that every car needs a name. I've named the three cars above (and I would have named the Cutlass but I was two at the time)

That's all for now folks...and yes, I am living vicariously through my parents. ;-)

Monday, August 09, 2004

Education and Future

I had this big long post and yet again, I felt the need to delete it.

Basically, I've just been thinking a lot about my future (graduation looms) and people have started asking me what I think I'm going to do with a Sociology degree. I know that it was God who gave me this passion in my heart and I'm confident that as long as I faithfully seek employment, that He will provide the right placement for me. Every time I try to make up my mind myself, God usually leads me in a different direction. I've come to the conclusion that it is necessary for me to wait for His guidance in everything (especially this). (Might I add, if I listened to myself then I wouldn't be here in Saskatoon and I wouldn't have married the wonderful man that I did marry...and that's just one example)

The following are the verses that I found after I had written my long winded post.

Psalm 25: 3-5
"No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others. Show me the path where I should walk, O LORD; point out the right road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you."

Father, I trust in You for my future because you know my needs and what I'm passionate about and I've never known You to let me down.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Name change

At Kirk's suggestion I changed the name of this site to reflect what it really, and some talk from Jer on man bags. ;-) All the glory goes to Kirk for a sweet title. (Although my wording isn't exactly the same as his.)

Oh, and my lovely friend Sara has just joined the blog world. Her link is to the side. She's a pretty cool girl. I suggest reading her blog for sure.