Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I took the 'social entity test'

(Compliments of Jenn's blog)

I am...

Category I - The Hub
You're a 'people person'. Networking runs in your blood. Consequently, you can move through most social circles with ease.

(Mmmm...maybe partially true, although somedays I wonder) ;-)

Friday, September 24, 2004

My brother rules

I just found out that my crazy brother Mike has a blog. I took the time to read through all the posts. (I guess that he's been at this for awhile and just didn't tell me) I've never really seen that side of my bro before and man was it ever cool. I love that guy so much. You should check it out people. He has some really good points.

In other news, Jer and my family and I are all headed out to my cousin Tracy's wedding in Alberta this weekend. We won't get back until Monday night because the wedding is Sunday. I think that my bro and Jer and I are going in our new car, Rodney. It should be cool. I'm trying to make Jer another CD of mp3's for our trip, but I can't seem to find another 70 songs. Any suggestions? (Kirk and Matt...I'm looking in your direction...)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

'Rodney the Roadster' has joined the family

When I say Rodney I'm talking about the new car that we purchased yesterday. When I say new, I don't mean it literally. The car is just new to us. I think that this is the nicest car that I've ever owned. Rodney can be described as: 1990 Honday Accord, light Gold in color with every option. (including a sunroof! Yay! I've always wanted to stick my head out the top of a car...what can I say? I like to live dangerously.) It's in really good shape too and we managed to get it on a sweet deal through someone Jer works with. It sure beats the '78 Volvo, the '85 Tempo, and the '82 Plymouth Reliant!

It was with great joy that I handed the keys to the crap heap (A.K.A. the Cavalier) over to my sister last night. She was happy and boy, I sure was too. However I'm grateful for the lessons that I was able to learn as a result of my experience with the Cavalier:

1 - I learned to take quiet times of reflection when the car refused to start.

2 - I learned to be closer with my Dad after all the times I had to call him to boost me.

3 - While I was attempting a difficult merge, the window handle fell off again right near the gas and brake pedals reminding me to pray hard.

4 - The slow acceleration almost led to several accidents with Semi's which taught me bladder control.

All in all, of course I'm grateful to have had something to drive. Adieu, whitey! Please, please, please be much nicer to my little sis than you were to me. (But I guess that she could learn a few lessons too...)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

The Queen of the hot headed

That's me.

I had a post and then realized that it was stupid to put it up so I took it down. I realized I've posted a lot of stupid stuff on the internet in the heat of the moment, so I've given myself the above title. 'The Queen of the hot headed' Probably not the best thing to be known for. Yet another thing I have to work on... I wonder if I'll ever stop having to learn this lesson....

Apologies all around. (again) ;-)

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Life as I know it....

Strange week, strange year so far, but interesting none the less.

Everything about University has some strange vibe with me now. It seems like everywhere I go on campus, the reality of this being my last year is always in the back of my mind. It's started to change how I look at things. I find myself laughing at a first year student and thinking, 'this is my last year to really do that.' Or, I walk through the bowl on my way to class and feel nostalgic about that too. I'm finding myself looking at classroooms and thinking of the experiences I had there. 'I had 3 classes in Arts 202' sniff...sniff. ;-) How pathetic is that?

I went to the Campus Career Expo yesterday and discovered that the only people who are deemed worthwhile in the work world are commerce grads and engineers. (slight generalization but that's what it seemed like) There were a few possibilities available for me but not near the amount. (and I knew this already) I've found that being involved in social science has been very beneficial to me. It's been great to get to know so many people who feel the same way I do or opposite to me within the program. The truth is that inside University I'm a much more confident person. I've really enjoyed this period of my life and I will be a bit sad to let it go. I've learned so much more than what textbooks can teach me. If I had more money there's no doubt I would stay in University. Oh to be a professional student.... But, pretty soon it will be time to venture out into the real world. That part is a bit scary...

Laurie has been here and it has been so wonderful for me. I think I really took her for granted while she lived here, and now I'm fortunate enough to have her under my own roof! I almost have to pinch myself to make sure it's real! She's sleeping in the spare room now.... and I'm trying really hard to not go and wake her up.

Sara will be coming back from Moose Jaw on the weekend and it will be good to see her too. My wedding was so special for various reasons but largely because of the people that we got to share it with. You girls rock! I'm looking forward to Saturday. Sara was friends with me throughout high school and she's still around! She deserves a medal for that. And Lo's been there for me through some rough stuff.

My goodness....I'm such a cheeseball today! Sorry if I made anyone puke.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Too scattered to find a title...

Today I begin my last year of University. It's exciting yet scary at the same time. I'm taking some pretty good classes this year so it should be really an enlightening experience. I'm taking a lot of courses so that I don't have to go through summer session next year for the third year in a row. It's going to be tough, but I'm pretty sure if I can be disciplined (at least in my last year) I can get through and do well. I struggle with procrastination so much and that's something that I have to get rid of in the next....well I guess right now. ;-)

Sort of on the school front, I've been having difficulty with student loans because of being married and all that stuff. Despite this, God really answered a prayer today and I managed to increase my line of credit limit in case the government doesn't listen to my appeal. I'm trying to trust God with it. (It is difficult for someone who worries as much as I do, but it is a learning experience.)

Jer and I and Jer's parents are getting ready for our garage sale this weekend. (Saturday from 8am - 3pm) We were going to do it out in Osler because they usually have a town one, but they cancelled it because they didn't have enough people. Jer's mom and I decided to do it anyway and use my parents place in Erindale as home base. (606 Forsyth Cr. if anyone wants to stop by) It's going to be tough to get ready, but at least it's my first week in school and it isn't that heavy yet.

Amidst all of this craziness, my lovely Laurie is coming on Friday. I'm so pumped and excited to see her and I hope she can bare with my crazy schedule this next week (ish). Yay! Laurie!

Do you ever wonder where the time goes? I think that I'll stop being busy at a point and it never seems to happen. I feel like all my social time that I spend with people is spent explaining why I can't go to (fill in event here) or hang out at such and such a time, and I'm pretty sure that most people don't believe me. It's not that I don't want to, but I'm unfortunately having to sacrifice some things for school, weddings, and other events. Living out of town has been an adjustment for me. It's not near as easy to hang out as it was before, both for financial reasons and for mere convenience. It's not that I don't like living in Warman because I do, it's just hard sometimes. To all my friends, please don't feel neglected. I wish I knew when this would all end. (I'm guessing at the end of April 2005) ;-) I'm hoping it's going to be less crazy in October. Listen to me.... there I go explaining everything again!

All that being said, I am learning a lot of lessons (some harder than others) in the last few months regarding all the things mentioned above. The conclusion?

I NEED TO CHILL OUT ABOUT EVERYTHING! (But, that's nothing new)

Have a good week everyone.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Poetry from Steve Stockman

I found this poem on Steve Stockman's website

Those from N. Ireland know him well. He did some of my training sessions while I was on Y-1. I'd consider him a jack of all trades. A very gifted, and influential man. (For those from N. America, he wrote the book 'Walk on, the spiritual journey of U2') So, please read the poem. (And check out his site) It's good stuff.

Nailed (Covered in blood)

Covered in blood
The bomb debris across a market town
Alabama trees with their strange fruit
Auschwitz poignant sad sacred ground
Covered in blood
Apartheid’s ignorant and arrogant oppression
Suicide bombers in the New York skies
And vengeful acts of cold naked aggression
Covered in blood
All the explorer ships that sailed
To steal the lands the natives ploughed
Everything – nailed.

Covered in blood
Every fist that punched his wife
Every holy man that touched a child
Every circumstance that denied a life
Covered in blood
Every exploitative capitalist gain
Every dealer who preyed on the innocent
Every doctor who could have prevented pain
Covered in blood
Every murderer who is rightfully jailed
Every angry thought without a gun
Everything – nailed!

Covered in blood
The flowery words I use to deceive
The serial sinner inside my soul
And the days when I refuse to believe
Covered in blood
When my faith stands up too proud
My every selfish twisting of truth
When my insecurities scream out too loud
Covered in blood
All those times my determination failed
And failure to take a chance to fail
Everything – nailed!

Steve Stockman
Ballycastle – Good Friday, April 18, 2003