Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Hey everyone! Jer and I are moving this weekend. Bryson is going to the cabin with my brother and sister in law to see my parents and Jer and I are pretty much moving our place on our own. (Andrew is helping for a day...) If you're in town and can lend a hand, feel free to give us a call. Pizza and good times will be had by all afterwards. (And I'm sure you won't have to twist Jer's arm to play a bit of Xbox 360 on our new TV afterwards either)

Rie out

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Crazy weekend...

Well, it's been a whirl wind of a weekend. On Thursday night Jer and I went to our real estate agent's office to open the offers for our house. There were 5! We ended up accepting an offer for 22,000 dollars over asking price! How crazy is that?! In July I will officially have no more student loans! Yay! Then, right after that we took off to Regina to meet my parents at the Holiday Inn so that we would be ready to go to my convocation ceremony the next day. After the ceremony (which was long... and hot in my gown) we had several family events/dinners and then we stayed another two nights after that. I went for breakfast with my Grandma, had fabulous indian food with my sister and husband, and saw my cousins play at a club in Regina. We went to the IMAX and we left this morning. When we got to Saskatoon we had birthday presents to buy and we had to meet Jer's family for supper.

Now...after all that I'm finally home... And this won't be home for much longer... Back to my new job tomorrow and a whole new week. All the best everyone. There's going to be a major party at our place before we leave so I'll keep you all posted.


Tuesday, June 05, 2007

As stated...

Here's the link of our house listing on mls.ca

There's been lots of interest already. I had tons of messages on the phone today and couldn't come in and go to the bathroom because three cars were outside my house. Yikes!


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Life transitions...

What a weekend it has been... The for sale sign is officially on our lawn and the house goes up on the market tomorrow. The real estate agent says that we won't be home much this week because we aren't allowed to be present for viewings. We're debating sleeping at my Mom's for the week. If you need to reach us, it's probably best to call our cell phones.

I'm a bit sad about it and I found myself getting a bit teary as I saw him put the sign on the lawn. I have such fond memories of my past three years here. I do know that this is the right thing for us and for Bryson so it makes more sense. I will miss the relaxed nature of a smaller town though. (But I sure won't miss the gas money!) After our house is sold we'll have a final fire in our fire pit and invite everyone out for some kind of get together.

I seem to be experiencing transitions in my friendships too. It's weird... I know that as you grow older and go through different things you grow apart from certain people. I guess I never thought that would happen with certain people in my life. I'm wondering, should you just let it go or keep trying to preserve the friendship if you see this happening. I guess that it's good to be grateful for what you have had with people in the past and maybe that's where it ends... I don't know.

Anyway, I have to go back to cleaning this place to get it ready to go by tomorrow.
