Wednesday, January 19, 2005

We've All Been Saying It… Here's the Proof

Napoleon Dyanamite
(Please rate my quiz)

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's only right that I would be Deb if you were Napoleon. -Rie

(Please rate my quiz)

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, January 14, 2005

Quiz time once again

Well, it's been a crazy few days. My application is done. The difficult time is now. Hopefully I can find ways not to worry about this. This morning I felt really anxious about it. Whatever happens will be what is supposed to so I need to take it easy. (Let's hope they pick me)

So, to try and de-stress I've been taking online quizzes: I've taken several but when I saw there was a quiz on....DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, (I must admist, I like the show a lot) I knew I had to take it! I'm just sad I didn't end up being Eva Longoria's character since my husband has a crush on her. Of course I'd end up the career woman turned mom. Never mind that one of my answers was that I'm not ready for kids. Sheesh!

Congratulations! You are Lynette Scavo, the
ex-career woman who traded the boardroom for
boredom, mixed with moments of sheer panic as
the mother of four unmanageable kids.

Which Desperate Housewife are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, January 07, 2005

Prayers are appreciated

It's the last few days before I have to have my Social Work application in. The more I work on it, the more excited I get.

I'm sure some of you know how stressful it is to apply into a sought after program. Regardless, I'm trying to be positive. I know how hard it is to get in.

If you could pray for wisdom for me in the next days that would be great. I don't want to make any mistakes on this one. It's very important to me.

Thanks guys.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

What's that smell?

Monday was an interesting day. I'm glad I'm still around to tell about it.

Jer went back to work and I was at home for the day because classes didn't start up until Wednesday (or today). I got up when Jer was leaving to pack his lunch and then I went back to sleep for a bit.

I woke up at about 9ish and I felt quite ill. I figured I was just tired but by 1:30ish I started to feel very nauseous and faint. By 3:30 I noticed a very strong rotten egg type smell in the laundry room. By 4:00, that smell started filling the rest of the house. (Sound effect inserted here)

Well, I figured that smell couldn't be a good one so I called my mom and my mother & father in law to find out what to do.

My mom's very quick response was, 'Get yourself out of the house now!' So I did and I started feeling better. Only I had nowhere to go because Jer had the car and I couldn't find my garage key. So here I was freezing myself outside, when my in-laws arrived to save the day.

My father in law thought it was sewer gas and he was correct. We had Sask Energy come out and everything. The traps had frozen to ice so the sewer gas started filling the house. Apparently it's pretty deadly stuff. Thank God for father in law's!

No longer nauseous,
