Wednesday, October 27, 2004

It's official...

I'm a University of Regina student! I got my acceptance letter yesterday and I'm very happy about it. I'm accepted as a Social Work Qualifying student which means that I can take up to four classes next term. I still have to apply to the college directly for the fall, but I'm excited.

Apparently it is very competitive. For the winter term 200-225 people applied and they only let 39 in. So... if you all could be praying for me that would be good. It's extremely competitive in Saskatoon because they don't have the facilities that they have in Regina. My grades have to take top spot right now.

It's weird being enrolled in two Universities at once. I must say that it's an experience I never thought that I would have. I'm excited to see where God will take me through all of this.

Rie out.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

What' 80's band are you?

Ok...this quiz was just too good for words! The best part is that Jer is:

You're a sap. Either that or it's all just a way
for you to get some ass. You might have an
illegitimate child somewhere.

What band from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

And I ended up being...

You rule. in 15 years, you won't be as known as you
are now, but most of the people that will know
you then will like you (or else I'll beat them
with a stick). You're nice to listen to.

What band from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

So... let me know what you are. (links are after our results) (Lo...I'm looking in your direction especially)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What kind of coffee are you?

I can't believe there's a quiz like's pretty cool though. I'm a Cappucinno.

So what are you???

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Confessions of negative thoughts...

This post isn't designed to make you say, 'Poor Marie' and it's also not meant to make you sing my praises either. The Lord knows that I don't deserve that.

I dislike my attitude. Suddenly I'm noticing a lot more of the negative things I say and think. I realize that it's good that this is being brought to my attention, but it sure doesn't feel good. I also know that it isn't good to focus on your feelings, but I'm finding that it's difficult not to do that now. Conviction is good and I understand that...but part of me is wondering what's wrong. I don't remember ever being this negative before....I don't know...maybe I was and I just didn't realize it.

Why should someone with these hurtful opinions have a blog where she can spew them out for everyone to read? To delete or not to delete...that is the question...

I'm finding myself doing/thinking/feeling stupid things...

Getting angry behind the wheel...
Getting jealous of the relationships some of my friends have with each other...
Getting mad at people who don't hang out with me (even though that's their right and I probably don't have time anyway... Plus, I wouldn't even hang out with me in this mood)
Feeling hurt because of things I 'hear through the grapevine'. (which I shouldn't pay attention to anyway.)
Because I feel neglected by people, even though I'm sure I'm not. (Not Jer)

All of this anger is because of my own insecurity...I'm sure of it. My biggest fight and struggle in every area of my life is against myself.

I wish I could be more of what I set myself up to be. (I don't deserve a husband like the one I have, that's for sure!)

To anyone that I've been negative to, or held a grudge against.... I'm deeply sorry. (There I go apologizing.) But you know what? I don't give a crap what anyone says about my need to do that. I know the hurtful thoughts I think and the stupid things I do and if I feel the nudge from the man upstairs to say sorry, then I sure will. It doesn't mean that I don't think my opinion is valid, but I know an opinion from a grudge or a hurtful comment and I'll apologize until I'm blue in the face if I think or know that I'm at fault. I've always been one to stick my foot in my mouth and as I result I'm pretty sure that I'll be saying sorry on my death bed.

I used to have the idea that if you are a Christian you can't show that you are struggling. Now I know that isn't true. I know that God is just as close to me now as He always is. I just got tired of pretending. I'm so, so tired ot it.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Trying to be positive here....

Jer and I spent hours and hours editing a video for my school presentation and now it won't seem to work. We can't get it to burn onto a DVD so I can play it for my SOC 340 class. This is a bad thing because I'm one of the only people in my group that did any work so without this 10 minute video, we're screwed. The presentation is tomorrow and I'm praying some pretty desperate prayers right now. Basically we even had to miss church to try and figure this out. If it doesn't work, I might have to make a desperate call to my prof. and I'd prefer not to do that. (He is a really nice guy though so I'm pretty sure he would understand...but I'm not sure my group would)

If you could send some prayer my way I would really REALLY appreciate it.

Friday, October 08, 2004

So this is my life...

Is it weird if the best day of your week is the one where you don't leave the house all day? Yesterday was so great! I love Thursdays. (just a random thought)

Okay, lately my problem is that I'm addicted to true crime novels. That isn't good when I have more than enough reading to do in terms of school. I'm reading one now that is very interesting and extremely difficult to put down. I've managed to only read it once in the last two days which is saying something.

Another weird occurrence...I'm really confused about school right now. I got a letter from the University of Regina yesterday. It said that I'm conditionally accepted to get into their Social Work program. (They just need a few more grades and some of my other requirements.) I applied several months ago and because I didn't hear anything I thought it wasn't to be. So...this is difficult. They say that I can start taking social work classes in January but by then I'd be almost done my B.A. in Sociology. Plus, I can't be in school forever and Jer was wanting to go as soon as next year. (He's been thinking about going into medicine which is 6 years.) Financially it looks difficult right now. But I was so sure that because I didn't hear that meant that God didn't want me there. Now I'm left questioning everything again. After looking at job postings I'm not confident that I could support Jer through medical school just with my B.A. in SOC. Most of the jobs in the field I would like to work in require a BSW (Bachelor of Social Work).

I'm kind of wondering what God is doing with all of this but I'm trying my best to think logically about everything. Suddenly it isn't just about me anymore but about the opportunities that my husband should have available to him as well. He's so bright that he really should go to University.

Anyway, I was talking to a fellow classmate (her name is Daphne) who is in the same sort of boat as I am. She says that she's finishing her B.A. and taking Social Work classes on the side. Apparently you can be enrolled in two Universities at the same time. A friend of hers who is a prof. told her that she should just finish both. Two degrees would be much better than just one. (that's common knowledge) We'll see. I have a lot of thinking, discussing, and praying to do with my husband. It could be that this isn't my last year after all.


Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Sarah Slean is coming!

(I can't believe that I didn't hear this from Matt yet.)

On October 25th Sarah Slean is opening for Ron Sexsmith at the Broadway Theatre. I hope that I can go. We'll see what's possible I guess.