Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The last week's events

1 - Got a new car (2004 Elantra GT) In Bryson's words, ' We get to drive the GT while Jeremy has to drive the junk heap. Ha ha.'
2 - Got a 10 year old to look after (I'm proving to get quite attached to this little dude)
3 - Was a bridesmaid in my friends wedding. (Congrats Sara and Kevin. All in all, a great day...but a bit windy for pictures)
4 - Turned 25 (Yikes...quarter of a century)

Maybe the list only consists of four things, but they were time consuming. My brother Mike is getting married on Saturday so that should be a great day. Bryson is going to stay at a prior foster mom's house for the weekend so Jeremy and I don't have to run after him. (He'll be missed though) Jeremy is taking all of the pictures and I'm singing and accompanying Cindy's sister who is also singing.

I can't think of anything else to post really. I have to take Bryson to day camp in a few minutes anyway.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Too Funny Not to Post

I feel the need to break this to you gently.

Are you sitting comfortably? If you fall, you're not going to hit your head or anything? Sure?

Right then. Um.

You're Pauly Shore.

Possibly the most obnoxious B-list celebrity there ever was or could ever be, you were once an MTV veejay but have since moved into the world of really, really bad movies. Take, for example, Biodome. Or the risible Encino Man (aka California Man). You've complained that Beavis and Butthead stole your act - and you may well be right. Ugh.

Credit should go to you, though, for making a documentary called Spooge.

There are no words.
Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey.

And I (Marie) ended up even worse than Pauly Shore (in my opinion anyway)

Tom Green?
Which Annoying B-list Celebrity Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey.

Ben forgot to write a blurb for this one, that's how bad you are.

Another quiz

Thanks to Crystal for the new quiz. I promised myself that I'd never mention politics again on this blog. Oh well. I'd say this is different. (The results don't surprise me either)

I'm John Kerry!
Which Presidential Candidate Are You?
Rung from Rum and Monkey's very own liberty bell.

You're John Kerry!

The son of a community activist and a World War Two Air Corps pilot, you voluntarily joined the army to serve in Vietnam as you neared the end of your college years at Yale. There you earned a Silver Star, a Bronze Star with Combat V, and three Purple Hearts. However, during your tour of duty you became disillusioned with the involvement of the United States, and as soon as you left you became a spokesman for Vietnam Veterans Against the War. This was your introduction to politics; you then proceeded to help convict an organised crime head, and create rape counselling centres across New England.

In 1984 you were elected to the Senate, and there you remain, a seasoned politician fighting for progressive values. You’re one of the wealthiest politicians in the country, and are happily married to the heiress to the Heinz empire – without any bit of sauce on the side. In 2004, after a very strong fight, you accepted the Democratic Party nomination.

Monday, July 18, 2005


Congratulations, you're ebola!

You start, innocently enough, with a headache; a fever; chills. Nothing special. Might as well be the flu. But that is only the beginning.

You move on through the unpleasant symptoms list, inducing vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. You start to shut down the kidney and liver, and start to cause bleeding both internally and externally, with little or no clotting. Finally, the patient crashes and bleeds out, in a veritable explosion of blood. Anyone who has contact with that blood, or any of the patient's body fluids while s/he is infected, is also liable to get you. Now that's what I'm talking about!

I am Ebola. Hear Your Organs Squelch.
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Test from Sally's blog

Congratulations, you're rickets!

Caused by insufficient phosphorous, vitamin D and/or sunlight, you cause those unlucky enough to suffer you to have swelling in the joints, and bending of the longer bones (such as those found in the legs) in growing children.

You're not very prevalent in affluent societies any more - but don't worry, there's always the third world!

If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you give kids bendy legs with the following fine graphic:

I am Rickets. Hear your bones go boing.
Which Horrible Affliction are you?
A Rum and Monkey disease.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

It's been awhile

No...I'm not dead. (I know some of you have been wondering) I've just had a lot of stuff to think about.


At the beginning of the week, I got back from a holiday up at Lac La Ronge with my family. I went up early and Jer, Andrew, and my in-laws came up on the Thursday night. Everytime I'm up there, everything seems so much clearer. It's like, all the crap that makes it hard to see me, the real me, dissapears. I felt like a kid again...it's weird living with your family after you're married. I had a new appreciation for it. If only I knew the gifts I'd been given prior to this. Most of my life I've felt sorry for myself. That's a shame, because I'm one of the fortunate ones. I think of people like Dwayne Harms who was just diagnosed with cancer and yet he exudes gratefullness. How dare we complain? There are lessons in everything and we should be grateful for the lesson.

Living a life full of anguish and pain is no life at all. My family taught me that this past week. Giving back helps us to heal...it helps us to be ourselves...to live a life worth living... They gave back to me, and I'm going to do the same for others.

"I've been thinking about how we all have chances to be "helpers". Each one of us takes our life expereinces and applies them to how we can walk along with others we relate to. Those of us who have been through the rigors of grade 6 can put an arm across a grade 6er and talk about teasing and bullying. If you've never experienced it, how can you relate? But you can. And you do. And when you do, you feel good about being able to comfort or care for or walk with a friend." (Courtesy of Dwayne's blog)