Friday, December 30, 2005

Post-Christmas update

I trust that you all had a good Christmas. Ours was good...busy...but good. I'm exhausted. Christmas is so much more complicated as a parent....Sorry Mom and Dad for making it difficult for you! (I'm convinced that I'm going to spend the rest of my life apologizing to my parents for my childhood and teenage years)

Bryson seemed to have fun though. He slept a lot less and this was somewhat problematic. However, I think that we're dealing with it now. I'm not sure if he ever had a Christmas like that before anyway. He's kind of spoiled by us and our families. Mom and Dad are going to look after him for New Year's so that Jer and I can have people over. It should be good. We haven't been able to do that for a long time.

I get so nostalgic at this time of year. I've been thinking about past New Year's celebrations and it has been interesting. Also interesting to think of all the resolutions that I've made that haven't stuck. Why do we need New Year's for resolutions anyway? I've never understood that.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Election 2006

I see a lot of people putting info on their blogs about the coming election and I found a resource myself that seems extremely unbiased (which is strange) and very informative.

Click Here

That's a relief...

Apparently I'm not as dim as I had once thought. All of my marks are now posted and it turns out that I've done quite well. This comes as a surprise considering I've been a full-time parent at the same time. (It was a little hairy for awhile there!) It's all God though... (and a very understanding husband)

Mom bought Jer and I a feather top cover for our bed. It's AMAZING! I haven't slept so well in years. 'Where have you been all my life featherbed?' I feel like singing love songs to it....that's how amazing it is. 'You are so beautiful to me (featherbed top)' Thanks Mom!

Trying to decide how (or if) I should present my political views in this coming election. (Probably won't because it usually makes people mad) Jer and I want to put a sign on our lawn... but I'm afraid of the ramifications of doing so.... He doesn't seem to care... Decisions, decisions...

Working through Christmas preparations... I think Jer and I went a little nuts in terms of presents for Bryson. This is my first time doing this... Christmas is such a wonderful time for me. I managed to stay away from the super Walmart (with the exception of one time). My family is so crazy when we get together. (I plan on posting some pics.) This is a time when I really thank God for my family (those who are alive and who have left us). But most importantly, for giving me life through the precious gift and sacrifice of his son. Blessings to all of you in this season.

(music = Paranoid Android - Radiohead)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So...Jer and I got back on Sunday from our trip to Edmonton. It was really good. In some ways I wish it was longer...but we would have run out of money then. Here are some pictures...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Do any of you ever feel phased out? I'm just thinking back to how many things have changed in my life and I wonder if I just appear unappealing to be around because I have responsibilities. I miss the people I used to be close to.

I guess that I'm jealous to some extent. I need to deal with that....I can't believe I'm even wasting the time to post this. (A paper must be due.) ;-)

Friday, December 02, 2005

Thanks to Caro and Mel...

I've posted some new pictures on our flickr site, but here are three of my favourites...

Weigh in day

I'm 18 pounds lighter than I was at the end of September. Woo hoo! I'm on the road to getting healthy...the long road full of temptations (like chocolate).

In other news...does anyone know how you post pictures from your digital camera through your blog posts instead of just using flickr? I haven't mastered this technology yet. I have some really good ones that I want to share with you guys.

Rie out.