Thursday, May 31, 2007


So finally after many years in school, I have a job. I start on Monday as a child protection social worker. It will be tough, but I know that this is where God wants me and I can rest in that. The wage is a very good one and means that Jer can pursue his education and I will have enough money to support us. Ironically, I am replacing someone who got a job over me at CPAS. I'm excited and nervous. I've missed the people that I worked with and I'm looking forward to spending time there, but I know the work is very hard. I'm going to have to get very good at finding relaxing activities.

Jer and I have decided to move to the city (although those of you who are on facebook will know this already...I'm addicted to facebook and contemplating deleting this blog altogether). We plan on paying off debts with the extra money made from our house and renting a place while Jer is in school. When he's finished, we'll be in a much better position to buy a home again. (With one decent and one high income). We hope to have a place this weekend... There are some good options.

Tango lessons with Helen and Matt has been fun. It sure kicked my butt yesterday. I realize that although I always love the effects of exercise, dancing is the only kind of exercise I enjoy while doing it.

So that's it from me. I'm off! Check up with me on facebook.
